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MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoi





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MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖1)-速報App

We at MyDocZone(MDZ) believes that homoeopathy is the most natural way of healing a human body. It is safe, has minimal side effects and can cure majority of critical illness. With this strong belief MDZ is working towards promoting homoeopathy and spreading awareness among people.


MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖2)-速報App

MDZ is a one stop solution for all the Healthcare needs of patients from a Homoeopathic view. Our aim is to provide the best of Homoeopathy services to each and every person in India.

Now there is no need for patients to spend hours in travelling to a Homoeopath’s clinic and then waiting in a queue for their turn to come. We provide India’s best Homoeopathy doctors’ directory and a dedicated search page based on location, specialization, expertise, gender, years of experience, language and doctors reviews by other patients. Patients can choose the best of the Homoeopath doctors available with us and save their valuable time and effort by either booking an online appointment with homoeopath doctors at their clinic in advance or consult via telephone or consult via our video-conferencing platform. We provide best Homoeopathy consultation just on a click of a mouse.

MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖3)-速報App

1. Consult Over Video(COV)/ Consult Over Phone(COP) - It is an era where our choices are not limited only to the locality where we live, but an era of internet where we have the accessibility of products and services all across the globe.

Same is true for healthcare sector, now patients don’t have to limit their choices to doctors in the nearby locality. At MDZ, patients can choose the best amongst homoeopathic doctors without being concerned about the distance and geography. Get online medical consultation sitting at home and be a part of digital revolution happening in India.

MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖4)-速報App

2. Consult Over Phone(COP) – No more waiting in a queue at doctor’s clinic as your doctor is already informed about your appointment in advance; you just need to manage reaching on the scheduled time.


MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖5)-速報App

We provide an online platform to homoeopath doctors where they can showcase their practice across the globe, spread awareness among people about homoeopathy and get more patients not just from nearby locality but across the country.

We provide several services to HOMOEOPATH DOCTORS, major one's are.

MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖6)-速報App

1.Webclinic - Set up a Web clinic to help people worldwide. Get consultation bookings online, be it at the clinic, over the phone or on a video call. One point booking for all three modes. At MDZ, your growth and convenience are the top priority always. Confirm the appointments as per your availability on schedule.

2.Consult Over Phone(COP) - As a doctor, MDZ provides you flexibility and convenience, tend to your work while you're away over the phone. Approve consultations as per your availability and level of consultation required. Answer urgent queries on priority and never lose out on a patient again due to unavailability.

MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖7)-速報App

3.Consult Over Video(COV) - Now sitting at your clinic and consulting is not the only way to consult, MDZ provides your patients with CVV to consult over a video call, tend to your patients from anywhere, have a chance at making a global presence with limitless possibilities in curing health problems from all over the world.

4.Clinic Digital Assistant(CDA) - MDZ provides you one-stop solution to manage your patients better with the Patient Management System (PMS). Do away with endless reports and prescription copies, store all records digitally, access them from anywhere anytime.

MyDocZone - Making Homoeopathy FirstChoice(圖8)-速報App

5.Homoeopathy works - Trophy case for all the cases successfully solved. You can submit your work and see it get published on the website along with other breakthrough cases. Let the world know what you’ve worked on so far and help the network grow with sharing knowledge.